My wife and I have had popups almost since we were married in the mid-1980s. When we had kids several years later, camping became the family hobby. That lasted through middle school. Not much camping happened while the boys were in High School. Now that our boys are grown, we are back to camping as a couple. We've had our RB14 since mid-October. It made one fall trip to Lake Murray Oklahoma and there's two spring trips planned so far. It sure is nice having a bathroom and shower! We are really going to enjoy this trailer.
I especially like the RB14's ability to fit behind our house. Our drive is very narrow, steep, and close to the house so I pull the trailer in head first. 

Once I get to near-level ground, I switch to the hand dolly.

I pull the trailer around the corner…

…then I complete the 180 turn and push it into a corner along the fence.

It's really not that hard with the RB14, but it would be impossible with a 24 foot tandem axle. Having the trailer at home is really nice for loading and unloading. It also avoids months storage costs.
This looks like a really good forum. I'm looking forward to participating.